Crystal Bracelets

Crystal Bracelets 

Crystals are often displayed in the home and offices to improve energy but they are also one of the most beautiful adornments as jewelry. Crystals have many different properties and can be combined to complement each other to add to life. 

  • Amethyst: If you are looking to achieve inner peace, reduce stress and alleviate depression, you should wear Amethyst. This beautiful purple crystal soothes anxiety by releasing negative emotions and also helps with insomnia. 
  • Rose Quartz: This alluring pink gemstone, rose quartz helps with strengthening relationships and finding love. It attracts emotional healing, amplifies your best qualities and inspires compassion by emitting strong vibrations. 
  • White Crystal: This clear crystal radiates energy in all directions & can amplify or substitute the energies of other stones. White crystals are pure and help to cleanse your surroundings and also encourage inner reflection.
  • Rutilated Gold Quartz: this beautiful golden quartz shares many of the same features as the white crystal but has additional spiritual healing properties. Like citrine, it is naturally energizing and helps you focus in your everyday life.
  • Citrine: The “sunshine stone” brings warm and radiant energy. If you are feeling uninspired and looking for motivation in life, Citrine is a great crystal to keep around. It is also known to attract wealth and aid in financial decisions. 

Five Elements: a specially designed bracelet combines fire, metal, wood, earth, water.

Obsidian Bracelets

Obsidian is a lava protection stone that absorbs the negative energy from your life and shields you from it. This stone is often used during tough times and grounds you to your values. It can be a great support stone if you feel you’re going through change.